Starting a Business in Berlin

General Information 8-9
Before you start 8-9
What are my strengths? 14-15
Personal qualifications 14-15
Where do I fit in? 16-17
Legal Questions and Taxes 24-25
What legal form should I choose? 26-27
A selection of legal forms and their special features 28-29
What name should I choose? 34-35
Key criteria when naming a company 36-37
What taxes do I have to pay? 38-39
Small business operator regulation 40-41
How do i plan my Business? 44-45
Essential elements of a business model 46-47
Business plan 46-47
How do I start writing my business plan? 48-49
What should I include in my business plan? 50-51
Finance Plan 54-55
Capital requirement and investment planning 56-57
The profitability forecast 58-59
Liquidity planning 62-63
How does financing work and where does the money come from? 64-65
Financing with your own resources and initial takings 66-67
Credit financing from financial institutions 70-71
Bank loans with public funding 70-71
Further funding options 74-75
Crowd-funding and crowd-investing 74-75
What sort of insurance do i need? 76-77
Personal insurance 78-79
Business insurance 80-81
For the near future 84-85
Additional institutions to be aware of 84-85
Where can I find more help? 88-89
Helpful websites 90-91
Important terms and names 90-91