Starting a Business in Berlin

44 45 Starting a Business in Berlin A Beginner’s Guide CHAPTER 4 So you’ve taken a good hard look at yourself and come up with a few answers (such as “I’d prefer to start a business as part of a team”). You have also firmed up some thoughts on how to classify yourself and your business concept (e.g. “I’ll be the managing partner of a GmbH”). You also have some idea of the unavoidable bureaucratic and financial costs of running a business (e.g. permits, taxes, duties and insuran- ce). What you have to do now is to assemble the individual elements of your vision, mould and interlock them, so that a viable ‘business edifice’ emerges. Business model Your business model enables you to define, in a greatly simplified form, what financial, material and human resour- ces are being invested in your business, and how its internal creation process can translate these into marketable goods and services. Your business model should be concise and to the point, and you should use every possible opportunity to How do I plan my business?